Port Connections

Assembly of SAE straight port connections

UN/UNF Thread

ISO 11926-2/3

Assembly torques for UNF threads

Product Series Thread size
ISO 11296
Series SAE J514 AND SAE 1453
Assembly torque non-adjustable end Nm Assembly torque adjustable end Nm
L(SAE J514) 7/16-20 UN(F) 23 18
1/2-20 UN(F) 28 28
9/16-18 UN(F) 34 34
3/4-16 UN(F) 60 55
7/8-14 UN(F) 115 80
1.1/16-12 UN(F) 140 100
1.5/16-12 UN(F) 210 150
1.5/8-12 UN(F) 290 290
1.7/8-12 UN(F) 325 325
S(SAE 1453) 7/16-20 UN(F) 20 20
1/2-20 UN(F) 40 40
9/16-18 UN(F) 46 46
3/4-16 UN(F) 80 80
7/8-14 UN(F) 135 135
1.1/16-12 UN(F) 185 185
1.5/16-12 UN(F) 270 270
1.5/8-12 UN(F) 340 340
1.7/8-12 UN(F) 415 415

Tolerance of tightening torques listed in above table:+10%

Note: Lubricate stud with hydraulic oil before screwing in!

Tightening torques relate to counterpart made of steel.